Canyon Springs HOA
The Canyon Springs Board of Directors in conjunction with the efforts of the Communications Committee have created a state-of-the-art new website for the community.
Everyone in the community that has received eBlasts to date is registered at the new website. Your website username is the email address where you receive eBlasts.
If you are a new user to the Canyon Springs HOA Website, you may register at the link below.
Old web site usernames are no longer active. If you would like to change your username after you log in, go to "Your Profile" (upper right corner of any screen).
When you sign on the first time you do not have a password. Select the "Forgot Password" option at the login page to receive an email asking you to set your new password.
If you would like to change your password, go to "Your Profile" and choose "Change Password"
We have a community Directory which you can use to locate your neighbors. You are NOT included in the Directory unless you choose to be in it.
Using the "Your Profile" link, select the "Update Directory Preferences" option and set the "Show Profile" option to Yes if you wish to be included in the directory.
The preferences section of that page is used for you to decide how much of your information you wish to include in the directory. You can choose which individual items in your profile you wish to keep secret versus what you will share with others. Unless you choose to share a particular piece of information in the Directory, all information is kept confidential on the website.
Please add your home telephone number and your mobile number to "Your Profile". We hope to be able to use mobile numbers in the future for electronic voting and emergency broadcasts.
Again, if you do not choose this information to appear in the Directory, no one else will see this.
Each lot may designate ONE member as the registered user for electronic voting purposes. For that member, go to "Your Profile", select "Update Profile" and please check the box called "Voting member for electronic voting". Please only check this box for one member of your household.
We have also installed a new email server for Canyon Springs. The board and committees will have new email addresses
Please bear with us as we work out any kinks with new email and website issues.
We will be playing an active role in greatly expanding the features, functions, capabilities, and information of interest to the community through the new website. We will be soliciting ideas from all homeowners regarding suggestions and things they would like to see on the website.
The Communications Committee also maintains our Community TV Channel 63 which, like our website, provides current information 24 x 7 x 365.